[CRACKED]IPTV Check and Get Playlists v.2.4 2020
What is this program?
Many people do not want to use brute force, but want to get fresh and working playlists. This utility will completely help you with it.
You can use 3 types of playlists:
Playlists taken from a secret site 1 and secret site 2. These are recent playlists in the last 10 or so days.
Playlists taken from a Pastebin. These are recent playlists in the last 7 or so days.
You can add your sites and get playlists from them as well.
Every day there are a lot of open playlists, you can check them, then get working playlists, select the channels you need and use;)

What is this program?
Many people do not want to use brute force, but want to get fresh and working playlists. This utility will completely help you with it.
You can use 3 types of playlists:
Playlists taken from a secret site 1 and secret site 2. These are recent playlists in the last 10 or so days.
Playlists taken from a Pastebin. These are recent playlists in the last 7 or so days.
You can add your sites and get playlists from them as well.
Every day there are a lot of open playlists, you can check them, then get working playlists, select the channels you need and use;)
Mass Checking playlists for validity!
Mass Getting the playlists themselves. The program follows the link and downloads .m3u files to your computer! 3 daily updated sources !!!
Mass check of links on the end date of subscriptions!
Check Servers Geography (Countrys) + Mass validation of servers for the MAC checker. MAC Validation - This is a preliminary assessment of the site! MAC checker here
Added server IP address definition. With saving results.
Added definition of corporate servers !!! With saving results.
Extract Login:Pass playlists ^^ (for req)
I added 2 ways to check playlists! Method 1 - Classic and Method 2 Advanced. You can use the standard type of verification, just for a valid date or a new type with a deeper data retrieval
Valid to:
2020-01-12_144316.1578829527.pngWho is this program for?
If you have a website, forum or blog where you post fresh playlists. This is an ideal option to quickly and efficiently fill your site!
If you want to quickly check out a lot of playlists. Automatically, quickly and hassle-free.
If you are looking for new playlists or servers. For personal use.
You do not need to do brute force! Take playlists, watch, find out new high-quality servers!
This program will allow you to very quickly check, find and get a lot of valid playlists. Automatically.