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Mensajes - raga17777

Páginas: [1]
« en: 02 Marzo 2016, 15:22:47 »
hola a todos.

Sorry if i write in english but i am from italy and i don't speak spanish.

I have a problem with tihis decoder, in italy we use amiko mini combo but this is too similar, the problem is that when i try to access at section NET CLIENT CONFIG for insert a cline it ask me a password of 7 characters. I think is a bug or i don't understand, or do you have the password?? Can you help me??

I have this software version: ALI3612_0E060B00_galaxy_140_combo_ps_synaps_1CA_0CI_1.5.41.abs

What i should do??

Добавлено: 03 Marzo 2016, 08:38:49
i think i have this problem:

The problem is you have loaded 3rd Party firmware on your box and the bootloader version is
higher than the Original as higher version is Probably 1.0.7 and the version you want to revert
to is 1.0.4 I have the same Problem I flashed my box with Dekolte Firmware as he had a Multi
Sat setup Ready and now I can't revert back it gives me bootloader mismatch error even with
an RS232 Cable my box won't Flash back to Original Firmware ****>

 no one can help me??

Páginas: [1]